ChromeBookにPOP OSをインストールしてみた(失敗)




Installing Pop!_OS – System76 Support



Chat GPTに聞くととだいたいやりかたを教えてくれましたので後述しますがざっくりした手順は下記です。POP OSのダウンロードもとだけ書いておきます。

  1. POP OSをダウンロード
  2. イメージファイルをUSBなどに焼く(SDカードだとうまくいかずUSBで実行しました)
  3. ChromeOSで開発者モードを有効にする
  4. インストールしたいPCでブート元とUSBにして起動

①POP OSをダウンロード




1. Enable Developer Mode

  • Turn off the Chromebook.
  • Press and hold the Esc + Refresh (F3) keys, then press the power button. This enters Recovery Mode.
  • Once in Recovery Mode, press Ctrl + D. You’ll see a screen asking you to confirm that you want to turn on Developer Mode.
  • Press Enter to enable Developer Mode. This process will take a few minutes and will wipe your local data.

2. Enable Booting from External Media

  • After your Chromebook restarts, press Ctrl + D at the warning screen to boot into ChromeOS with Developer Mode enabled.
  • Open a terminal in ChromeOS by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T.
  • Type shell to get a full bash shell.
  • Type sudo crossystem dev_boot_usb=1 dev_boot_legacy=1 to enable booting from external media.→ここだけ、下記のように訂正されますので書き直します。

3. Prepare the Linux Installation on an SD Card

  • On another computer, download the Linux distribution ISO you want to install. For a Chromebook, distributions like GalliumOS, Ubuntu, or Debian are recommended because they’re lightweight and compatible with Chromebook hardware.
  • Insert the SD card into this computer.
  • Use a tool like balenaEtcher (available for Windows, macOS, and Linux) to flash the ISO file to the SD card. This will make the SD card bootable.


4. Boot from the SD Card(USBカード)

  • Insert the SD card into your Chromebook.
  • Reboot the Chromebook and press Ctrl + L on the developer mode screen to boot from the SD card instead of the internal storage.
  • You may need to press a key to select the boot device. Choose the SD card.

5. Install Linux

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to install Linux from the SD card to your Chromebook’s internal storage. Be cautious during the partitioning step—if you’re not sure, seek out a specific guide for your Linux distribution and Chromebook model.
  • Once installed, remove the SD card and reboot. You may need to press Ctrl + L again to boot into Linux from the internal storage.

Important Considerations

  • Backup Data: Your data will be wiped during this process. Backup any important files before you begin.
  • Battery Life: Installing a different OS may affect battery life and performance.
  • Functionality: Not all Chromebook features may work in Linux, such as touchpad gestures or function keys, without additional configuration.
  • Recovery: Keep a ChromeOS recovery drive handy in case you need to revert to the original operating system.

For specific models like the Samsung Chromebook Pro, it’s highly recommended to search for model-specific guides or forums (such as the GalliumOS subreddit or Chromebook-specific forums) for any nuances or additional steps required.



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